For decades, global warming has been a major issue on the minds of people around the world. According to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the average global temperature has risen by 1.2° C over the past two centuries, leading to the melting of glaciers at more rapid rates, the rising sea levels, and a decrease in the temperature of polar regions. As global temperatures continue to rise, environmental experts worry that it could lead to extinction events, and disrupt the food chain, leading to a much more extreme global landscape.
It’s important to consider how global warming could lead to an extinction event. Scientists have found evidence that in the past, global warming has caused dramatic shifts in the Earth’s climate, resulting in species becoming extinct. For example, when polar regions experienced a sudden and significant warming event 55 million years ago, it drastically reduced the amount of plankton and sea creatures who could not cope with the changing temperatures, resulting in one of the largest mass extinctions in history. This is only one example of how catastrophic a dramatic temperature increase can be for existing species.
Another thing to consider is how global warming could affect the food chain. The depletion of the food chain has already been seen in some regions due to human activity, such as pollution, overfishing and habitat destruction. With the Earth warming at an alarming rate, the disruption of the food chain could lead to a decrease in certain key species, resulting in a decrease of biodiversity and a movement towards a global animal population that is adapted to high temperatures or low-oxygen environments. This could be detrimental, as the world would rely on fewer species for an abundant food supply. Additionally, existing food sources would be depleted with the destruction of habitats, resulting in a food shortage, especially for those countries that rely heavily on fishing for their food.
Although global warming could lead to extinction and disruption in the food chain, it could also have some positive effects. Warming temperatures could lead to the melting of certain lands that were previously frozen, opening up additional land that could potentially be used for the production of crops and therefore, the harvesting of fresh food. Moreover, longer and warmer days could result in increased plant growth, leading to more and healthier food production, and a higher level of biodiversity.
At the end of the day, global warming could pave the way for both positive and negative effects. It is clear that, if global warming continues to increase, it could result in drastic effects; however, it is also possible that, with the right measures, global warming could bring about the introduction of new species and species adaptations, potentially leading to a more robust food chain and longer growing seasons. As global temperatures continue to rise, it is important for science and policy makers to focus on solutions that will conserve existing species and habitats, thus preventing an extinction event and possible food shortages.