The burning of coal has engendered vehement controversy due to the implications this human activity has on the environment, the economy, and public health. It is necessary to analyze the various claims and facts related to this source of energy, as well as to ask the same question that many throughout the world are debating: does burning coal cause global warming?
The burning of coal does release a multitude of pollutants that are even deemed carcinogenic by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. These emissions are believed to have an appreciable contribution to global warming. There is evidence that further suggests carbon dioxide (CO2) released by burning coal to be the main culprit responsible for rising temperatures. CO2 is part of the Greenhouse Effect, which traps solar radiation and results in the heating of Earth’s atmosphere. Furthermore, burning coal also contributes others components, such as sulfur and nitrogen oxides, methane, and carbon monoxide to the atmosphere, all of which ad to global warming.
Nevertheless, coal offers numerous benefits, particularly domestically. It is a low-cost energy source and provides the majority of the electricity in the United States and other countries. Therefore, those who advocate for coal-burning often highlight economic issues, such as the massive amount of jobs related to the coal industry. There are also many who believe that coal-burning does not warrant concern and that renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, are better alternatives for decreasing greenhouse gases and curbing global warming.
It is thus pertinent to consider and survey the various sides of the argument before arriving at any conclusions. One of the greatest skeptics of coal-burning on the planet is David Doniger, Senior Strategic Director of the Natural Resources Defense Council’s Climate and Clean Air Program. He denounces the environmental damage of coal-power and propounds that the emissions can be reduced to negligible amounts with the implementation of modern technology. Some others have even supported this stance and have proposed possible solutions to reduce carbon emissions. In response, the industry often invokes economic risks and suggests the performance of risk analyses prior to implementing energy strategies.
As the debate over the effects of coal-burning on the environment proceeds, it is essential to explore various options to both consider the economic opportunities offered by this source of energy, while also preserving the environment. Refining of methods to reduce emissions while also providing access to low-cost energy could prove to be indispensable. Moreover, collaborative efforts at the regional and global level may also yield viable solutions to the situation. Most importantly, it is essential to reach a stable and long-term consensus on ways to reduce emissions and limit global warming.
The burning of coal, although often argued to contribute significantly to global warming, poses many potential benefits as well as risks. To ensure that the environment is not irreversibly harmed while also providing society with proven economic and energy benefits is a challenge that requires reverence, research, and a unified voice. Hence, all stakeholders should be heard, as well as all concerns, on this matter as we collectively work to make more informed decisions.