The consequences of human-caused environmental degradation are far-reaching and often irreparable. From rampant destruction of wildlife habitats and species endangerment to accelerated climate change and ocean acidification, the domino effects of our bad habits extend even beyond our own species. One of the main culprits of global warming is in fact the uncontrollable garbage production that we generate on a daily basis. With advances in technology and an ever-present demand for new to spur economic growth, our collective over-consumption leads to a palpable problem of waste production. This overflow of waste fails to decompose in an efficient manner and is often difficult to repurpose or upcycle. In this article, we discuss how garbage causes global warming and explore the various implications of this phenomenon.
First, it is important to understand the variety of factors that contribute to global warming. We must consider the emission of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor, and other pollutants. While these pollutants are released into the atmosphere, they absorb infrared radiation and heat up the Earth’s surface. The more these pollutants are released, the higher the average temperature of the planet, leading to an increase in water vapor and other pollutants which in turn leads to an ever-warming atmosphere. Considering the magnitude of waste production worldwide, even simple everyday objects like plastic containers and styrofoam takeaway boxes can end up in landfill, adding harmful gases to the atmosphere and leading to global warming.
Moreover, when the non-biodegradable waste does not have a proper outlet, it often ends up in the oceans. This garbage can stay afloat for weeks and slowly break down, with particles of plastic ending up in our food chain. According to the 5 Gyres Institute, an advocacy group that fights plastic pollution, oceanic plastic pollution has reached every corner of the world, from the Arctic Ocean to the South Pacific. Countries like China and Indonesia are struggling to cope with the increasing influx of trash and their inability to regulate these activities due to a lack of resources. The rising water levels and pollution of the world’s oceans are direct consequences of global warming, leading in part to the destruction of coral reefs, drastic changes in fish populations, and other environmental catastrophes.
Frequently cited as a greenhouse gas, methane is one of the more widely discussed pollutants believed to contribute to global warming. Landfills are some of the biggest emitters of methane, more so than coal-fired plants and natural gas facilities. The World Bank estimates that landfills globally release 300 million tonnes of methane annually, accounting for 19 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions from human sources. To put this into perspective, methane is roughly 28 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide. This contributes to global warming in a big way.
It is worth noting that landfill also disrupts the surrounding water sources and habitats. On top of releasing copious amounts of methane and other harmful chemicals into the environment and atmosphere, waste piled up in landfills breaks down and spreads harmful toxins along with the release of heavy metals that seep into the rivers and lakes nearby. This further contributes to global warming in terms of water pollution, raw need disposals, and land degradation.
Nevertheless, there are ways to reduce the amount of trash we send to landfill. Investing in companies that promote reuse and upcycling, minimizing single-use materials, composting organic materials, reducing food waste and encouraging backyard gardening, and limiting your buying habits can all contribute to a solution. Not only do these efforts lead to better disposal and management of waste, but they also reduce some of the waste-release pollutants that lead to global warming. In addition to changing lifestyles, policy-makers have an immense responsibility to construct laws and regulations that limit waste production and promote proper forms of waste disposal, such as recycling or responsible disposal of hazardous materials.
In conclusion, garbage causes global warming through a number of ways, from the direct emissions of landfill to the release of greenhouse gases from waste products. We must find effective ways to reduce and repurpose our waste in order to tackle the mounting problem of global warming. This process requires action not just from individual citizens, but also from both local and international policy-makers. Let us invest in sustainable and renewable forms of energy and take responsibility for our own actions and global footprint. If everyone on Earth could adopt more mindful, eco-friendly lifestyles, we may be able to start making a real difference today.