Global warming is one of the most pressing environmental issues of the 21st century, and to its impact can be clearly seen in the warning rise in sea levels. Scientists have noted that sea levels globally have been rising in recent decades due to an increase in global temperatures as a result of anthropogenic activities. This trend poses great risks to coastal communities, as rising sea levels can impact both economic and social infrastructure. This article will explore how global warming contributes to rising sea levels and the consequences they have on the environment.
Rising sea levels are a direct result of global warming in two distinct ways. Firstly, as temperatures warm, ice sheets and glaciers begin to melt at a faster rate. This causes a rise in the amount of water in the oceans which inturn results in a rise in sea levels. Secondly, as the oceans warm, they become less dense due to thermal expansion of the water molecules. This results in an increase in the volume of water which also contributes to a rise in sea levels. As seen from this, the acceleration in global warming is partially to blame for the raising of sea levels, an issue which affects countries around the world.
The most drastic impacts of rising sea levels are those seen in developing countries with limited financial resources. These countries struggle to confront the consequences of global warming due to a lack of resources and climate resilience infrastructure. This lack of preparedness causes a direct impact as population centres face physical losses from flooding, erosion and destructive weather due to sea level rise. Additionally, coastal communities are prone to displacement and insecurity due to shifting coastlines, as previously-stable homes become submerged in the rising waters. As a result, the economies of these countries often take a drastic hit, as resources are directed away from developmental activities.
The economic and social impacts of rising sea levels can be seen not just through the loss of physical infrastructure, but also through the increased economic pressures on countries. As grain stores and other agricultural produce can be lost due to flooding, countries receive less resources to reinvest in their economy. Furthermore, many developing countries lack the resources or technology to protect their coastline, leading to a regular loss of land mass and an increase in the severity of flooding. These natural disasters, along with decreased crop yields due to the rising acidification and warming of the oceans, can have catastrophic impacts on a country’s economy. It is estimated that the global economy will suffer a loss of $16 trillion by 2100 due to global warming.
In comparison, wealthy developed countries are less prone to physical losses. However, they do still face economic challenges due to the expensive infrastructure needed to protect against rising seas. For example, much of The Netherlands is below sea-level, so the country’s population is protected through extensive engineering projects such as the Delta Works. These projects are incredibly expensive and become increasingly necessary as global temperatures and sea levels continue to rise. Additionally, risk management also poses a cost, as countries must anticipate and adjust for greater regularity of extreme weather, causing additional financial burden.
Overall, it is evident that global warming and rising sea levels are intertwined and this trend will have drastic consequences on both developing and developed countries. It is vital that we use this information to identify the causality and address the issue. Through reducing emissions, investing in climate resilience infrastructure and forming international cooperation, countries can start creating protection against the effects of global warming.