The meat industry has a significant contribution to global warming due to the amount of energy required in raising and processing animals. This issue is further complicated by its implications on biodiversity, food waste, and water and land conservation. While efforts have been made to alter the industry’s practices and mitigate its impact, the exact extent of its role in the climate crisis is still widely debated.
The European Union’s Joint Research Centre recently reported that animal agriculture makes up approximately 14.5% of all human-related greenhouse gas emissions. Of this figure, livestock farming accounts for 10-12% and deforestation is a further 1-2%. Also, as much as 70% of total global freshwater consumption is attributed to meat production and consumption, which has rapidly increased in the past half-century as global populations have grown.
However, it’s important to take into account the benefits of meat production and consumption. Humans have been eating meat for thousands of years and it plays an important role in providing essential nutrients, such as protein – the building block of most cells and tissues. Meat is also an important economic driver for many countries, stimulating growth within the associated industries, ranging from small farms to large-scale agricultural operations.
Moreover, it’s essential to consider how various methods of meat production affect the climate crisis. Industrial meat operations result in immense amounts of methane release through animal digestion and manure management, while grass-fed dishes reduce emissions and result in higher levels of plant-based proteins. Although, in terms of sustainability, there is still debate between the two, due to cost and the varying effects of different farming methods.
Scientists and experts have suggested some altruistic approaches to addressing the environmental effects of the industry. This includes the introduction of a ‘flexitarian’ diet, which encourages a reduction in meat consumption and increases the consumption of plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts. Although, since meat consumption is so deeply engrained in so many cultures around the world, this proposed solution might not be easily implemented.
Organic farming and non-intensive, sustainable rearing practices have also shown to yield beneficial results, with organic livestock totalling just 1-2% of all food animal production but making up half of the isocaloric and isonitrogenous demand of the industry. This is particularly important as it eliminates the use of energy intensive methods and reduces the amount of carbon dioxide and methane released into the atmosphere.
Ultimately, it is important for all stakeholders to take into account the environmental impacts and examine their potential solutions. The meat industry, with its immense environmental consequences, is vital to global welfare, and cannot be easily neglected. Research and experimentation are needed to improve the current livestock practices and to ensure the industry’s lasting sustainability. Only then can the humans, animals and planet all coexist in harmony.