Writers have long discussed the various sources of greenhouse gases, but few have given sustained attention to the effects of animal agriculture on global warming. All too often, the extent to which emissions generated by livestock contribute to climate change is overlooked or minimized. This is cause for concern, as current evidence suggests that farmed animals are responsible for a sizable portion of the carbon dioxide and methane released into our atmosphere each year.
In order to understand the full range of environmental impacts caused by animal agriculture, it is necessary to first comprehend its environmental footprint. Raising animals for food requires vast quantities of land, water, and other natural resources. The vast majority of these resources are used to grow the feed that is used to fuel these animals’ growth. The commercial animal agriculture industry is responsible for thirty-five to forty percent of all methane emissions and seventy-five to eighty percent of all nitrous oxide emissions. These potent greenhouse gases trap heat and are more than twenty-five times more potent than carbon dioxide.
It is essential to bear in mind that the livestock sector is a major contributor to climate change. The production, transport, and distribution of animal products causes carbon emissions to sky rocket. In addition, the use of artificial fertilizers and biotechnologies employed to produce animal feed and the energy required to process, package, and store meat and dairy products further drives up emissions. The scale of the problem is difficult to overstate and the impacts are extensive. In fact, if global meat and dairy production was to remain at the current level, the sector would send more than one trillion tonnes of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere by 2050, with dire consequences for all life on Earth.
Importantly, there are ways to offset and reduce emissions caused by animal agriculture. Consumer and policymaker choices, such as supporting plant-based diets and choosing efficient agricultural systems and sustainable farming practices, would go a long way to reducing the industry’s current footprint. Moreover, the development of new technologies such as artificial meat is expected to reduce the extreme environmental pressures associated with meat and dairy production. Mitigation strategies such as these are essential in light of the genuine danger posed by unchecked global warming.
In conclusion, it is critical that the global community recognize the role animal agriculture plays in exacerbating climate change. Unless meaningful action is taken to reduce the industry’s environmental costs, the consequences of global warming will continue to be felt throughout our world. Each of us can help reduce the environmental harms associated with animal agriculture. Ultimately, unless we make conscious choices to address the issues surrounding farmed animal emissions, future generations may not be so lucky.