Is Global Warming Really an Issue? It is a debate that has existed since the 1980’s, with the topic gaining much more attention in recent years. It is a complex problem, with different sides presenting opposing arguments – is it really happening, and if so, what can be done to prevent it? In this article, we will discuss the various implications of global warming and its increasingly influential effects on the planet.
Before delving into the individual aspects of the global warming discussion, it is important to first define the term. According to the United Nations, global warming is “the observed and projected increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s climate system.” The increase can be attributed to the greenhouse gases that humans release into the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. With natural phenomena, such as volcanic eruptions and solar variations, also contributing to the problem, climate change is an undeniable consequence of the negative environmental impacts of human activity.
Together, the cumulative effects of global warming can be seen in melting glaciers, rising sea levels, more extreme weather events, ocean acidification, species extinction, and greater spread of diseases. For instance, the World Meteorological Organization recently revealed that the global average temperature has increased by approximately 1.1°C since the mid 1800’s, and if left unchecked, temperatures could surpass dangerous levels by 2050. These are alarming findings, and the consequences are likely to be even more dramatic for those standing on the frontlines of climate change.
The world has already experienced the brunt of global warming and the rising temperatures. Dominica, the Caribbean island nation, lost 90% of its crop yields and animal losses in 2017 due to devastating hurricanes, whilst air pollution in India is a large contributing factor to the demise of 1.24 million people in 2017. There is also much debate about the imbalance between the efforts of developed nations and developing countries, with the latter’s inability to handle the impacts of global warming resulting in a system of environmental colonialism. Furthermore, the damage caused by global warming could potentially further create economic, social and political inequalities far into the future.
The good news is that the situation is not without cause for hope. A number of countries have made impressive commitments to limiting global warming, with countries like Germany and China leading the charge. Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, are increasingly becoming competitive alternatives to natural gas and coal. Technology innovations, including the use of virtual reality and nanotechnology, are providing new opportunities to more effectively manage energy consumption.
In addition, governments can also do much more to encourage citizens to become more conscious of their individual ecological impacts. For instance, by subsidizing green transport, raising taxes on polluting industries, and investing in conservation efforts, the public can be made aware of the importance of their part in achieving a sustainable planet.
Clearly, global warming affects us all and the decisions we make now will determine the future of Earth. With the right efforts, we can slow its impact and make permanent changes in our lifestyles and attitudes that create a better future for us all.
Is Global Warming Really An Issue