What Animals Will Survive Global Warming

In the wake of global warming, the fate of innumerable species of animals hangs in the balance, requiring humans to begin to contemplate questions such as: what animals will survive global warming? The high temperatures associated with climate change can cause a mass extinction of animal species, diminishing life’s diversity on Earth. This phenomenon not only affects the ecosystems and potential sources of food, but also the entire future of humanity. To the naked eye, it may seem that only those animals with an affable relationship with warm climates would survive. However, examining this question closely indicates that a variety of animals have the potential to withstand global warming if specific conditions are facilitated.

Though the population of some warm-weather animals, such as desert fishes and tortoises, may grow dramatically, it does not necessarily mean that cold-blooded creatures will be able to withstand the rising temperatures. To the contrary, in many places around the world, temperatures soar to well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit during the daytime, and animals find comfort only under the shade of a tree. Thus, animals requiring large areas of vegetation, such as large ungulates and birds of prey, may be severely impacted by global warming. Oviparous species, like snakes and crocodiles, could also suffer, as their eggs must remain within a certain parameter in order to incubate a successful offspring.

Conversely, species which prefer relatively warm climates and require less vegetation, like rabbits, rats and mice, could potentially increase in population as natural habitats begin to disappear. Furthermore, aquatic mammals, such as river dolphins and manatees, may experience a boost in population as bodies of water become more shallow and food more accessible in their proximity. These animals are usually able to move to regions with more reasonable temperatures in search for refuge, so their populations may actually increase in number.

Though numerous species around the world may be impacted negatively, there are still those that may benefit from an advantageous atmospheric temperature. This could be attributed to the fact that these animals are able to adapt their physical and behavioral mechanisms to the demands of their given environment. For example, some researchers have noticed an increase in size and development rate in carnivorous mammals, like the Arctic fox, cats, wolves and ground squirrels, due to higher temperatures. In addition, animals such as songbirds, dabbling ducks and hummingbirds may have an increase in survival rates due to their high degree of mobility, enabling them to seek out more hospitable climates.

Ultimately, the effects of global warming on animals are nuanced and are not just relegated to species that can withstand higher temperatures. While the animals that may take advantage of the changing atmospheric climate may have an increase in number, thousands of species may become extinct due to their inability to tolerate high temperatures. Therefore, to ensure the survival of animals of all species, it is essential that humans prioritize sustainable forms of energy, natural resource management, and conservation efforts. Doing so will allow animals of all shapes and sizes to survive what could be the greatest threat in their existence.

Ernestine Warren is a passionate environmentalist, author, and advocate for the protection of the Earth's precious resources. She has written extensively on the causes and effects of global warming, providing accurate information to help educate people on how to combat this major global problem. With a background in science and biology, Ernestine has the tools to help develop solutions that meet everyone's needs while minimizing environmental damage. Her hope is that each person can do their part for the planet and make a real difference to help reduce climate change.

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