The world today remains constantly threatened by the effects of global warming, which continues to accelerate due to the burning of fossil fuels and other human activities. As temperatures rise, arguably one of its most impactful impacts is the effect it has on the environment’s weather patterns, leading to an increase in occurrences of severe weather. Be it floods, droughts, heat waves or hurricanes, global warming has been found to amplify some of these extreme weather conditions, thereby posing a potential threat to life and property.
To begin with, scientific research has shown that global warming is increasing the overall temperature of the atmosphere, as well as the oceanic temperatures. With higher surface temperatures, energy is harnessed in the atmosphere and oceans, which is then released in the form of more turbulent weather. In a similar vein, extreme weather events have been observed to heavily rely on underlying weather patterns, which in turn become unfavorable due to changes in the climate. Examples of such extreme weather include the 2015 heat waves in India, where delayed and light monsoon is attributed to global warming. There have also been numerous instances of extreme rainfall, which have caused severe flooding around the world, such as the 2017 floods in Peru, as a result of rainfall directly related to global warming.
Moreover, not only has global warming been linked to increased incidence of severe weather, but it has also been found to influence its severity. As temperatures increase, the intensity of events like hurricanes continues to escalate, causing further damage. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, warm temperatures favor the growth of hurricanes, leading to the generation of stronger and more destructive winds. There is also evidence that this is happening globally with storms becoming more powerful in the western Pacific, eastern Atlantic, and most recently, the North Pacific. This suggests that global warming is driving already-existing weather patterns to produce more extreme results.
Finally, global warming has also been attributed to longer drought periods due to shifting climate zones. As a consequence of rising temperatures, areas that were once naturally wet are becoming increasingly dry, leading to a lack of water needed for vegetation. This is further exacerbated by the melting of ice in polar regions, which not only changes global patterns of circulation and precipitation but also causes a rise in global sea levels. Consequently, less water enters the soil in these areas, leading to decreased vegetation and increased drought periods. For instance, parts of California, which are normally wet, are facing draught due to greater temperature differences between the regions. Similarly, the same pattern has been observed in many other parts of the world.
Overall, it is evident that global warming and its consequences are indeed to blame for the rising numbers of severe weather events. With temperatures continuing to rise, scientists and policy makers must take it upon themselves to spread awareness and educate the public on the issue, in an effort to prevent further global damage. This can be done through campaigns and infrastructure, as well as through financial incentives, which can be used to transform current consumption practices and develop environmentally friendly mechanisms.