Global warming has been in the news a lot lately, with more and more people recognizing its implications. But what is global warming in biology? It turns out that this phenomenon isn’t limited to physics and chemistry, but can have serious consequences on the way that life on Earth exists and evolves.
Simply put, global warming is an increase in the planet’s average temperatures caused by the burning of too many fossils fuels and other human activities. This causes the Earth’s atmosphere to trap more heat from the Sun, sort of like a greenhouse. On the most fundamental level, this disrupts the natural balance between the atmosphere, land, water, weather, and biosphere.
A warming planet has disastrous consequences for biological organisms. For example, temperatures on the surface of the planet change which deeply affects weather patterns and leads to increased droughts and cataclysmic storms. Additionally, this has a significant impact on the ecosystem.
When temperatures are higher, species that can’t adapt quickly enough become vulnerable to extinction. It could make traditional habitats unsuitable as well, forcing them to migrate to other areas or to risk death in their original home. Even if an organism can survive, they might find it harder to reproduce or develop variations which cause them to struggle against the competition.
Global warming also affects habitats through more extreme temperatures, more frequent floods and fires, and changes in the availability of resources depending on location and time of year. Over the past 50 years, we’ve already seen evidence of these types of events. Such changes can negatively affect species’ evolution, while also cutting their natural resources and even driving them from their traditional ranges due to increasing temperatures.
However, there may be benefits to global warming in the case of species that lack adaptations necessary for survival. Those that are able to take advantage of new habitats or sources of food might benefit from the harsher environmental conditions, as long as they can adjust. For example, some Arctic animals are adapting to their warming environments by having longer migrations, changing their diets, and adapting to the changing landscape.
In terms of solutions, people often look towards the development of a ‘green infrastructure’, which incorporates green energy and technologies such as renewable energy sources and more energy efficient buildings. The adoption of more sustainable practices by companies and nations around the globe can also have a positive impact on the planet. Ultimately, the solutions to global warming in biology will be as varied as the solutions to global warming in general.
Ultimately, the effects of global warming on biology are manifold and unpredictable. As temperatures continue to rise, many species are likely to suffer, although some might benefit from the changes. To reduce the risk of serious damages to the planet, it is imperative that solutions are developed that take into account the biological repercussions of global warming.