Climate change has been a growing issue in our world for decades. As of late, there is a growing sense that it has become a pressing problem that needs addressing in the near future; however, the question of when global warming was a problem has a multifaceted answer.
Many studies point to the 1990s as the period when it started to become widespread, with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) releasing a landmark report in 1995 recommending steps towards global action. The research team concluded that “many of the observed changes are unprecedented over decades to millennia.” They noted that anthropogenic activities were to blame, and that unless global efforts are taken to address the issue, the planet’s environment could be irrevocably altered for future generations. This led to a series of international agreements, such as the Kyoto Protocol, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
However, this only serves to answer part of the question as climate change is not a recent problem, many geologic records suggest that it goes back as far as 1950, when atmospheric carbon dioxide levels reached their highest since an ice age. Evidence even points to ancient civilizations being affected by it, as evidenced by the well-known impacts of the die-off of the Mayan civilizations in the 8th and 9th centuries. In addition, ocean acidification, rising sea levels and extreme weather events can alternatively be attributed to human activity as far back as the Industrial Revolution.
This means that regardless of when global warming was first a problem, it has been steadily worsening for centuries. More importantly, the situation continues to worsen due to the lack of concerted global action. Some countries, particularly in Europe, have committed themselves to significantly reducing their emissions, yet overall global emissions are continuing to rise. It has been estimated that atmospheric carbon dioxide has now surpassed 400 parts per million for the first time in recorded history and is continuing to rise.
The responsibility of tackling global warming does not fall on any single individual or organization, but rather a collective effort by humanity that requires meaningful collaboration from all stakeholders, from governments to the general public. Sustainable development requires the implementation of green energy solutions, the phasing out of carbon dioxide-producing activities such as coal and lumber, better management of waste, and the reduction of biodiversity loss, to name a few. These solutions are not only necessary to help tackle climate change, but also to ensure the planet remains viable for future generations.
In conclusion, global warming has been a problem for centuries and has been steadily getting worse. Regardless of when it first became a problem, concerted global action is required now more than ever to reduce the dangers posed by climate change, protect the planet and ensure its sustainability for future generations.