In an age of readily accessible information, opinions and conclusions on the subject of “who made global warming” often vary. There are several well-founded arguments as to why a single individual, nation or group is not solely responsible for the climate crisis, however. While the effects of human activities are contributing to rising temperatures and a rapid depletion of resources, the ultimate cause of global warming is a complex phenomenon that began long before mankind settled the land. Despite hundreds of years of scientific advancement, it’s clear that global warming is a problem far too complex for one particular source to be given.
The effects of global warming are immeasurable, with impacts on both the Earth’s ecosystems and human health. Rising sea levels, changing weather patterns, threats to the habitats of native species, and decreasing levels of ice caps and glaciers are all symptoms of a climate in crisis. Collectively, humans are a major contributor to the dramatic shift in the climate, however they are not the only factor to consider. The Sun, volcanic eruptions and the transfer of energy from the atmosphere to the seas are also at play.
In order to gain a further understanding of the contribution from humankind, we must consider the influence of human activities on the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is the number one contributor to global warming and ultimately, mankind has had an enormous influence on the amount of the greenhouse gas released into the atmosphere. From burning fossil fuels for energy to clearing land for agriculture, the emissions of humans has had an adverse impact on the biosphere.
This is not to underestimate the importance of human effort in undoing the damage. After all, goals towards renewable energy are still achievable, but they rely heavily on every individual and nation working together to reduce carbon emissions. What’s more, initiatives such as regulations on distributed housing and industry, urban development projects and the introduction of electric or cleaner running cars could have a positive effect on global warming in the long-term.
Opinions and research evidence can be conflicting when trying to determine who made global warming. Ultimately, an individual, entity or nation cannot be attributed the complete responsibility for the climate change issue. Global warming is the result of multiple, independently complex systems and the emissions of humans, although significant, are just part of the picture. It is, therefore, our duty to unravel the problem of global warming and increase efforts to reduce its devastating effects.