Why Do People Say Global Warming Is A Myth

In recent years, the global warming debate has increasingly become a matter of great contention. While some people adamantly stress the importance of preventive action, there is a group of people who publicly question the validity of global warming and its implications. Despite the science community’s joint consensus, much of the general public still maintains that global warming is a myth. The most pressing question is, why do people continue to think global warming is fake, even in the face of overwhelming evidence?

The initial response to this notion comes from a lack of empirical data, specifically focusing on temperature rises recorded over recent decades. People who maintain this dichotomy argue that the increase in temperatures is simply a part of a cyclical pattern of change in the Earth’s climate, and neither human activities nor pollution are to blame. Furthermore, they reason that any change must be the result of variables such as sunspot activity or inverse greenhouse gases, the effect of which work in tandem with natural fluctuations and cycle of air masses.

However, definitive evidence proves that the claim that global warming is a myth offers a false narrative. Data collected since 1950 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) clearly shows an increase in global surface temperature as a result of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide and other pollutants.

Moreover, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s 2019 report, which draws from research from multiple agencies around the world, states that human activities have contributed significantly to global warming over the past century, and will continue to do so in the coming years. In addition, various species of wildlife and plants are being negatively affected due to the rising global temperature and ocean acidification, a phenomenon caused by increased absorption of carbon dioxide in seawater.

The evidence paints a damning picture, yet many people remain unconvinced by the clear connection between human activities and global warming. This could be attributed to a lack of scientific education, which causes some members of the public to brush off scientific explanations as untrustworthy. In this sense, comprehensive public education is a critical component of combatting skepticism about global warming. In addition, politicians need to make climate change a priority by taking immediate action to reduce its effects.

People need to understand that climate change is real and not a myth, and that the risks of ignoring it are too great. The warming of the entire planet is already in progress and its consequences can be dire if no action is taken. To bring about magnanimous change, lawmakers must introduce policies that incentivize combating environmental pollutants as well as implementation of sustainable technologies. Only by taking urgent action can we hope to mitigate the inevitable effects of global warming.

Joseph Pearson is a passionate advocate for global warming, ecology and the environment. He believes that it is our responsibility to be stewards of the planet, and take steps to reduce our environmental impact. He has dedicated his life to educating people about the importance of taking action against global warming and preserving our natural resources

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