What Are Some Impacts Of Global Warming

The effects of global warming have been a source of increasing concern for many years. This article will explore some of the impacts that global warming has had on the environment, society and economy. By looking at both positive and negative effects, it will become apparent that, despite some benefits, global warming ultimately carries a far greater risk to our planet.
The planet’s temperature has risen by an average of 1.62°F or 0.90°C since 1880, with much of this increase happening since the 1970s (source). These higher temperatures have impacted upon extreme weather events, such as an increase in the frequency and intensity of heatwaves. This leads to droughts, forest fires, and reduced agricultural productivity which, in turn, leads to food shortages and increasing food prices. For example, the heatwave that swept across Europe in the summer of 2019 was shown to be linked to climate change (source).
Unpredictable changes in the environment can also lead to disruptions in natural habitats, impacting on the survival of different species. Such disruptions have been documented in recent years; according to research, predators such as lions, jackals, and cheetahs are declining in numbers due to global warming (source).
Global warming can also result in the rise of sea levels, due to the melting of polar ice caps and ice shelves resulting in coastal flooding, as well as increased risk of storm surge. These effects have been seen in recent years in areas such as the Gulf Coast of the United States and Bangladesh, for example, where low-lying areas are most at risk of flooding (source). These risks are also compounded by factors such as population growth and urbanization which lead to pressure on infrastructure and resources.
In some cases, however, global warming can have a positive effect. For example, a warmer climate could lead to greater productivity in some regions, particularly in colder countries. This could translate into increased agricultural yields in countries such as Iceland and Norway, for example (source). An increased temperature can also lead to lower heating expenses and a greater extent of natural vegetation, although this could also lead to a greater risk of pests, weeds and diseases for farmers.
Overall, despite some potential benefits, the effects of global warming should be handled carefully. To limit the impact, solutions such as sustainable energy production, renewable resources, conservation of natural habitats and reducing emissions remain essential. Governments and policy makers should also take into account the long-term effects of global warming, and address the potential effects on vulnerable nations, communities, health and ecosystems.
With the world now in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the focus has been taken away from climate issues, but we must not forget the very real effects of global warming. We must become more aware of the risks and work towards solutions, lest we find ourselves in a much worse situation in the future.

Ernestine Warren is a passionate environmentalist, author, and advocate for the protection of the Earth's precious resources. She has written extensively on the causes and effects of global warming, providing accurate information to help educate people on how to combat this major global problem. With a background in science and biology, Ernestine has the tools to help develop solutions that meet everyone's needs while minimizing environmental damage. Her hope is that each person can do their part for the planet and make a real difference to help reduce climate change.

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